Wow! What a great ending to a crazy weekend! Here are twins E & T. Aren't their outfits adorable? (I had to add the last picture in there for good measure) ;)
This family is so adorable. Baby J and baby A are little balls of energy and they were so much fun to chase around. It is amazing how many cute things kids do and they don't even know it. Here are just a few from today.
This shoot was awesome! Baby G was amazing and the location was gorgeous. I had so much fun. These are only a few of my favorites. I had a hard time choosing which ones to post and I am not even done editing them yet. Enjoy!
To view more about me you can visit
However here is a brief overview. As a photographer, I love what I do. I believe it is essential to capture the moments in time that make us who we are, whether they are big moments which we will always remember or the little things we can look back on and smile. Photographs have the power to let us step back in time or even look forward in anticipation. It is these moments that make what I do so important.
As for me I absolutely love spending time with my awesome family, friends, and animals, without them I don't where I would be today.